Empire Earth II is a real-time strategy computer game developed by Mad Doc Software and published by Vivendi Universal Games on April 26, 2005. It is a sequel to the 2001 bestselling game Empire Earth, which was developed by the now-defunct Stainless Steel Studios.
Cheat Codes Of Empire Earth 2:
While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window. Enter "icheat" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode play god
Toggle instant construction sea monkeys
Toggle fog of war toggle fog
Additional 10,000 of all resources loot
Additional 50 technology points give tech
Advance one epoch epoch up
Convert selected unit convert
Give 20 damage points to selected unit punish
Recharge power for selected unit recharge me
Win scenario win
Lose 100 of all resources taxes
Disable all active codes idontcheat
Cheat Codes Of Empire Earth 2:
While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window. Enter "icheat" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
Toggle God mode play god
Toggle instant construction sea monkeys
Toggle fog of war toggle fog
Additional 10,000 of all resources loot
Additional 50 technology points give tech
Advance one epoch epoch up
Convert selected unit convert
Give 20 damage points to selected unit punish
Recharge power for selected unit recharge me
Win scenario win
Lose 100 of all resources taxes
Disable all active codes idontcheat